Watching The Youtube Videos To Learn About Technical Topics
Turning on the computer and watching the technical content might help advance the options in the marketplace. Some people might like watching the entertainment youtube videos, but what about viewing the bash scripting 3 hour tutorial video? Learning how to use bash could be a step in the right direction.
Learning how to code and use the linux terminal could turn into a new path for diving deeper into the world of tech. When people think about computing, they might just know how to use the latest version of windows. The point and click of the windows systems might be fine for some of the tasks, but some computer users might like to add to their skill sets and add more operating systems into their comfort zone.
One of the places that people like to view content is youtube. Using youtube to watch tutorial videos in the area of linux could help bring down some of the barriers. Instead of being afraid of working with the command line, a person might start to become more at ease after watching the video content and trying the commands.
Are you going to find a used computer and install linux? Are you going to start putting some time into learning how to move around in a linux system? You never know when the skills could come in handy. It might be a good idea to look up the jobs that require linux in the job boards. It might add to the motivation to learn more about different operating systems.
Will the videos on youtube be enough to start looking deeper into the tech world? Some people might start looking for more online training. Could a computer science degree online or management information systems degree online be in your future?