Think About All The Stuff From The Past


Tap into all the information that you have picked up over the years and make more content. You might have lots of memories that you want to explore with your writing. You can build lots of internet articles.

What comes to mind when you think about the word microsoft? You might think about those old days when you got your first computer and installed the microsoft windows. Did you have the microsoft dos? Do you remember the floppy disks?

It is really easy to go back into the past and come up with lots of information that could be turned into new articles. Now, microsoft is just one of the many tech companies. You might remember those other tech companies when the tech industry was just getting off the ground.

Microsoft word and microsoft excel were not the only game in town when it came to business applications. The names of the other business apps have fallen back into the history books. Do you even remember the word processor called wordperfect? It has been a long time.

There are so many advances. Just think about when the computer networking was just starting to kick off. The wired networks and the cables were running all over the place. Now, you are dealing with wifi and cell phone networking. You can turn on the internet just about anywhere and get high speed internet access.

In the past, the internet was slow. It would seem like taking forever just to download an image on the internet. Most of the information was text based at first. Learning the basics of html was a big step. Building a geospaces website and seeing your html work brought on a feeling of accomplishment.

When you look back, you could start coming up with lots of information based on what you have experienced over the years.

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