The Websites and The Passive Income


Google adsense getting your site approved is a big step. Signing up for the google adsense might be a part of your online making money plan.

Is your website going to make the cut when it comes to google adsense site approval? Making a site with quality content is one of the first steps. Is your site ready for the ads.txt? Is your site still under review?

The google adsense approval status might not be approved. You might check your site and find that it says needs attention inside of the google adsense dashboard. The website owners want to open up the dashboard and see that the site has approved in the column.

In the past, it might have been easier to get a site approved, but now, the bar might be higher. The needs attention and requires review status codes might not be the result that you want.

Are you going to keep on creating high quality content for your audience? Are you going to shift your focus from google adsense to something else to make money online with your site?

Lots of people are focused on earning money from google adsense, but they might start looking at other methods for leveraging the content. One of the ideas might be turning to affiliate marketing.

Another option is the concept of list building. Growing an email list is an opportunity to stay connected with the audience through email messages. Sending out emails to stay in contact with people interested in the topic is a popular focus on the web. You can find lots of videos talking about the power of building an email list. A newsletter could require lots of new content creation, but it could also mean traffic on tap.

Making the websites and going for the google adsense approval might still be one of your main goals, but looking for more ways to make money online might also pop up. Affiliate marketing and list building are other topics that might nudge into the conversation.

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