Search The PLR Sites For More Fuel


Visit the sites that offer plr and look at the titles.   You might come away with more ideas.  Let the creative juices flow and think about the different ways that you could put the plr to work.

The old plr might still have some value.  Are you going to revamp the plr and come up with new video content?

Are you going to use the old plr and come up with interesting audio content?  Don’t just get locked into the idea of using the plr in the written form.  Lots of people are on the go and they might want to consume content in a different way.

People could be waiting and decide to open up their apple iphone 14 pro max and start listening to video content.  They might enjoy listening to podcasts and press the play button on audio content.

Take the time to think about how the plr content that you find relates to the current conversations online.  Are you going to jot down some of the trending news stories and think about how plr could be related?

Viewing the plr sites might bring up topics that you didn’t think about before.  Right now, people are talking about the nfl playoffs.  You might be on a plr site and see plr articles on golf.  In the nfl playoffs, when a team loses, their season is over.   Some of the players might go on vacation.  Players might even like to play golf.

One topic might lead to other topics.  While some people might like playing golf locally, others might choose to turn it into a vacation event.  Travel is big business and people might enjoy taking vacations.  One thing can lead right into another.  Thinking about one topic might pull up old memories and stories.  Do you have a travel story?  Do you have a football story?

The plr sites might be a treasure trove of information.  Even before you hit the buy button, you might start to pick up some new fuel for your idea generation.  Don’t forget to take a look at your own hard drive to notice some of the plr that you have already picked up.  You might have lots of plr that is available that could be put to work.

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