Search For The Old Ideas And See How They Are Connected To Current Events
Figure out the best way to put plr article and ebook content to work. Are you going to use the plr articles and ebooks to create more article content for your niche online sites and blogs? Are you going to put your focus on making audio podcasts? There could be lots of room for creativity with all the private label rights articles and ebooks.
Look at the current trends and topics and think about how you can link them with the plr articles and ebooks. Are you keeping up with all the talk about crypto these days? This is something new. It seems like a combination between finances and technology. There are lots of general concepts that might still apply in the world of crypto. Topics like finance, saving and investing could all be meshed with the new concepts of crypto.
Come up with your own ideas around where you want to take things. You might be learning about crypto and you might choose to start lots of websites. Crypto could be just one more niche that you add to your portfolio of sites. You might start searching for crypto related domains and finding article content that could help bridge the gap.
Creating websites could mean another opportunity around the area of affiliate marketing. If crypto is still very new, there could be opportunities in the arena of affiliate marketing related to the products around the space. Crypto wallets and crypto accounts might be have affiliate offerings. What about crypto training courses? There could be lots of different ideas that start to grow.