PLR For Marketing
Think about the power of private label rights content being used for marketing. What if you don’t have any content? You could turn to the private label rights articles and ebooks as a source for your new marketing options.
Search for the plr that is related to your ideas. There are lots of platforms that offer plr. You might want to try the affiliate marketing networks like jvzoo and warriorplus. They usually have lots of private label rights offers. Some of the plr offers might have a limited number of copies available. Logging into the affiliate marketing networks earlier in the day might be an option to explore.
Think about the connections between the cpa marketing that you want to do and the plr articles and ebooks that are available. Consider adding brainstorming sessions into how you can make the connections.
The plr articles and ebooks might be very general and this is where you have to come up with the marketing. Consider doing the seo keyword research to find the highly searched keywords that are related to your topic. Come up with the headlines for your rewritten plr articles. Do you have a google ads account? You might want to use the google keyword planner to find the highly searched keywords. Also consider using youtube to find the auto-suggestions around the keyword topics that you are considering.
When it comes to content, there are lots of options when it comes to formats. Are you going to just try to rewrite lots of plr articles? Changing the format of the content might bring in more potential value.