Don’t Let Things Get You Off Balance


Running into issues with activating a phone could turn spoil your day, if you let it. The onboarding process could go sideways and you might be trapped. Are you going to spend all the time trying to get the mint mobile phone activation completed? Some people might really care, but it might not be a big concern.

Just think about the mint mobile bundle and how it could have turned out great. Instead, the time invested on the chat and phone lines is time that you cannot get back. Don’t look at it is a total waste. You might turn it into inspiration for coming up with more content. Look at the power of customer service. Think about how processes can get turned upside down.

Always take a different point of view. You might want to brainstorm different ideas. Just think about all the keywords could be gained. Are you going to start searching social media for mint mobile? What are the customers talking about on sites like reddit?

It might become clear that you might not be the only one experiencing the same types of issues. You might see mint mobile youtube videos or mint mobile reddit threads.

Even if you run into issues, it could still turn into an opportunity. What looked like a great deal at the start could have turned into a time waster, but instead, you flipped it back again to start viewing the upsides.

You might learn new keywords like imei numbers, customer support chats, sim cards, pins and passcodes. Every part of the activation process could turn into a new learning experience. You might even end up on youtube viewing more information like how to factory reset your phone. There are a lot of different ideas that could start to pop up.

So while it might be a little bit frustrating at the start, you can choose to feel how you want to feel.

Finding your flow

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