Creating Documents
When you think about creating documents, one of the first names might be microsoft office. In the old days, before the internet, microsoft was the big name in the tech industry. Word processing was the big technology back in those days.
There was a big jump from the typewriters to the computers and microsoft word was the popular tool that made making documents simple. With typing on a typewriter, you could make one mistake and mess up your document. With ms word, you could make changes instantly and get your work done faster. With microsoft word, you didn’t need to be perfect with your typing every time.
Over the years, technology has advanced. In the past, microsoft word and microsoft office were really expensive software packages that needed to be installed on computers with physical disks. The old floppy disks for microsoft word might take a long time to get set up. Now, the internet makes installing software a breeze. Instead of finding all the ms word install disks, all it takes is making a few clicks of the mouse button and watching the install complete.
High speed internet and wifi are the name of the game and over time, making documents has become just a normal part of the day. Ms office is not the only game in town. Google has online applications for making documents and other business needs. Software keeps on getting more specialized and improved.
There are lots of users on the internet that might need to create documents and microsoft 365 online and google docs could be in the conversation. The switch to online is a big deal. Users can create documents and send them through the internet. In the past, printing documents and mailing them was the way to go. Now, a user can attach a document to an email or a text and hit the send button and the information gets transferred.