Exercising on a more regular basis. Are you going to start walking more? You might see some of the ads for the tech fitness equipment like the apple watch or the fitbit. Tracking the number of steps that you take per day might be a part of your plan.

Exercising more often might include other types of sports. You might be watching the pro basketball players and think about getting back on to the basketball court. Even if you cannot dunk a basketball, you might still want to start playing basketball again to build up your fitness.

Dribbling the basketball and running around the court could be a fun way to sneak in more fitness. Are you going to buy the air jordans to play? Some people are going to take their basketball play more seriously. Would you spend money to learn how to increase your vertical jump? It might not be a bad idea. Just think about how you could turn your ability to dunk into youtube videos.

Playing basketball for exercise might be more fun than going to the weight room or running on the treadmill. Even if you are just making baskets from the free throw line, you are having fun. Finding a basketball goal should not be very hard. Are you going to invest in getting your own basketball hoop?

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